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About Dad's Farm Biochar


Hi, my name is Tia! I am 10 years old. I have a brother, Mam and Dad and we live on a farm in West Wales. 

My Dad makes BIOCHAR and uses it around our farm – he calls it black gold and says it can help save our planet by taking the CO2 from the air and storing it in the soil.

I love helping Dad around the farm. He uses biochar everywhere.

Under our cows and sheep to take away the yucky smells….

...in our chicken hutch, stable bedding for my pony, Harley, and in feed for our cows and sheep…

...in the vegetable garden, when we plant trees and flowers, and very soon they are sooo big...

...Dad says it helps to stop them farting!

Dad has helped me to set up my own worm farm with a little biochar in their bedding. He said the worms will eat the biochar and poo it out, then we can use their poo to grow big vegetables.

Dad helped me build a garden and I grew rhubarb with the worm poo and I won first prize at our local farm show.

Now me and my Dad are in business.

Dad’s Farm products are all organic and home produced by me and my Dad.

At Dad’s Farm Ltd, on the west coast of Wales, our aim is to promote sustainable organic farming and gardening techniques by offering a range of affordable products that improve soil quality and the health and well-being of domestic and farm animals.

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